January 31, 2013

Cambodia Part II

Siem Reap: the gateway to Angkor Wat, one of the largest Hindu temples ever created. Built by Tamil king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century, the temples greatly demonstrate and represent the power and prestige held by the Khmer Empire. The relics shown throughout the remnants of the temples show the history of the initial worship of the god Vishnu, followed by the switch over to Buddhism.

By far Ankgor Wat is one of the most beautiful historical place I have visited. The intricate design and meticulous hand carved murals made with no advance technology really puts current architectural designs to shame. Lined with details in every corner, I had to take time to admire every single aspect of the each temple.

January 15, 2013

Simply.... Happy?

Recently, I got addicted to watching documentaries. I never used to like orenjoy them, but since I don't really learn as much as I used to back in school, I developed a desire/yearning to learn something new everyday.

image credit: www.thehappymovie.com
Over Christmas break (well, not much of a break at all) I was browsing through Netflix when the documentary "Happy" captured my eyes. I guess it was the cute "smiley" face over the beautiful blue sky, but I decided to watch it. Interestingly enough, this documentary has been one of the best I've ever seen. The concept is quite simple: what makes people happy? The director goes around the world documenting people from various cultures, backgrounds, and economic statuses on 1) What makes them happy? 2) If they are happy? 3) When are they most happy? 

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013

It is New Years Day today. Before this day ends, I just want to write down my resolutions such that in a year later I can reflect back whether I have achieved any of it. I'm keeping it short and reasonable this year. 

Here goes...

December 28, 2012

Ringing in 2013... Already?

What can I say? 2012 flew by as expected these days and here I am sitting in front of this blank page literally
two day before the year ends. Hopefully, year 2013 will bring more surprises (good ones please) and continued health and safety to my family and friends. Year 2012 has been a GREAT ONE, filled with mostly ups and no downs. Despite having a severe quarter life crisis, I think that it just made me a better person with a new perspective in life. I really have no major complaints about this year. I learned so much more about myself, my potentials, and my love for people than I've dreamed of. This year was also a time of many new realizations in life and an gateway toward novel experiences that I would never have imagined being engaged in. Year 2012 will definitely be MISSED. Although I haven't a clue what next year will bring, I just hope it will be just as good as this year.

November 29, 2012

Cambodia Part I

Phnom Peng

Once known as the "Pearl of Asia," Phnom Peng is currently the capital of Cambodia. Being one of the largest cities in Cambodia, Phnom Peng has gone through years of change. Post Pol Pot era, the city is currently re-building, attempting to advance to the levels of current second world countries.

I was fortunate enough this year to visit this country. Filled with fascination, yet skeptical, I was excited to see what Cambodia had to offer me.

Salvatore Ferragamo Sample Sale

November 27, 2012

'Tis the Holidays

mizelements: Disneyworld 2010, Cinderella Castle

Have been MIA lately due to work, errands, friends, and family, hence the lack of posting. However, one thing for sure is that 2013 is just around the corner!!! I cannot believe how fast the days go by now. I can clearly remember the beginning of 2012, yet here I am blogging about the holidays.