January 15, 2013

Simply.... Happy?

Recently, I got addicted to watching documentaries. I never used to like orenjoy them, but since I don't really learn as much as I used to back in school, I developed a desire/yearning to learn something new everyday.

image credit: www.thehappymovie.com
Over Christmas break (well, not much of a break at all) I was browsing through Netflix when the documentary "Happy" captured my eyes. I guess it was the cute "smiley" face over the beautiful blue sky, but I decided to watch it. Interestingly enough, this documentary has been one of the best I've ever seen. The concept is quite simple: what makes people happy? The director goes around the world documenting people from various cultures, backgrounds, and economic statuses on 1) What makes them happy? 2) If they are happy? 3) When are they most happy? 

Now I really don't want to spoil the film too much, because I truly believe that everyone should go and watch it. My eyes did not droop one second, as it usually does when I'm watching anything. 

The world have poured millions (even billions) of dollars studying depression and psychosomatic aspects of the brain that maybe we should spend some more time investing in Happiness. 

A highly recommended watch. I give this documentary five big thumbs up!

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